domingo, 16 de enero de 2022

 Change to my study programme

Like chemistry and pharmacy, it has many areas in which you can work, I think the program has the necessary subjects to know which area to choose and what to specialize in in the future. What would change would be the common plan since it lasts 2 years and I think that is a long time, only after the third year there are subjects specific to the degree, so I would reduce that time to only 1 year or mix subjects from the common plan with some courses. university specific.

There are subjects in which I would change the teachers who teach them because I personally think they do their job poorly. The fact that every year they have a high reprobation indicates that there are problems that they have not been able to improve and continue to fail at the same thing.

I would also like there to be the possibility of doing more internships because with the current study plan there is not much time for it, each semester the academic load is excessive and there is not enough time for voluntary internships.

Currently there are few elective subjects that must be taken to obtain the required credits, it would be good to be able to take subjects from other faculties as electives and not just stick with the scientific subjects of the faculty, for example, take a subject of art or philosophy, It would be quite interesting and necessary since it is useful that we can expand our knowledge in areas other than those to which we are always exposed. 

 Time travel to the future

I don't really like to think so many years in the future but I will place myself in the year 2032, where I will be 34 years old.

In that year I already see myself outside the university working in some specialty of chemistry and pharmacy. I imagine living alone in an apartment with the pleasant company of a kitten and traveling the world on vacation, enjoying and discovering new places. For now I imagine myself alone, but I wouldn't mind sharing my home with someone else.

I also believe that at that time there may already be a great technological advance, such as robots replacing human work in some areas such as product sales or customer service.

I imagine greater economic progress in Chile, as well as great progress in social spheres, there are probably better laws than now and a better environment in society.

Despite the technological advance that exists, there may be political and social problems due to the use of water, currently we are seeing a lot of drought in different areas of the world and as we are going I think it will be a big problem in the future. It only remains to hope that science and technology allow us to avoid this situation and hopefully as a society we contribute to this, because I think we lack a lot of education and respect for the environment.

I also like to think that in those years there will be a great advance in science, especially in the use of other mechanisms to "combat" bacteria that are increasingly resistant to antibiotics. A few days ago I found information on the use of bacteriophages to attack specific bacteria, I believe that this research is on the right track and will be the treatment that will be used in the future. 

lunes, 10 de enero de 2022


For some time now, I have had the illusion of being able to work soon on what I am studying and I would like to be able to interact and help people, which is why the hospital pharmacy area draws my attention.

In my second year studying chemistry and pharmacy I did my first internship in a hospital. The atmosphere was quite busy and the pharmacist in charge had a lot of work to do, but despite that it was very interesting and a very beautiful area. I remember that I really liked the clinical pharmacy.

The good thing about a degree in chemistry and pharmacy is that there are a wide variety of jobs that you can apply for, and if I get to be in a laboratory or in a hospital or in an office, I would not bother, because I would be doing something that like it and that I studied for it.

I probably won't travel for work, but I would like to leave the country and look for work in other parts of the world. I would love to know how science is carried out in other countries, how the area in which I want to work works and meet new people. I would not like to stay to live in Chile forever. 

viernes, 7 de enero de 2022


When I was child, I didn't use to watch television very often, so I didn't watch animated series, but I remember watching teletubies for a long time, it was a program that entertained me a lot and I enjoyed it.

When I was 8 years old I started to like the Winnie the Pooh movies and which I saw several times, my favorite character was always Piglet because he found him cute. I also used to watch the pink panther on canal 13 when I came home from school in the afternoon before doing my homework.


But since we got a computer and the internet I started to watch anime and until now it is what I watch the most in my free time. My favorite anime is D-gray man because he is the first one I saw when I was 12 years old and I have a special affection for him for that, I liked him a lot. 

 Change to my study programme Like chemistry and pharmacy, it has many areas in which you can work, I think the program has the necessary su...